Thursday, 24 January 2019

The Settlers IV - Game Translation Tool

I was writing a program that can edit language files from Settlers 4. So you can edit them and make translation of the game, with all game additions like Neue Welt (New World), to your own language.

The program is in beta version and you can download it here.

If you make a new translation or you make some corrections to an existing one, please share it on this GitHub page.

According to my research this is the list of languages for The Settlers IV game:

        0 ENGLISH
        1 GERMAN
        2 FRENCH
        3 SPANISH
        4 ITALIAN
        5 POLISH
        6 KOREAN
        7 CHINESE
        8 SWEDISH
        9 DANISH
        10 NORWEGIAN
        11 HUNGARIAN
        12 HEBREW
        13 CZECH
        14 FINNISH
        16 RUSSIAN
        17 THAI
        18 JAPANESE

It seems that number 15 is not used but I am not absolutely sure.

Chinese (traditional) as number 7

For more detailed and updated list see this post.


  1. Please leave a comment if this program helped you with anything.

  2. Here is a little manual of using the tool:
    1. Unpack the tool to a separate folder, somewhere on your drive (not S4 folder);
    2. Run the tool;
    3. Use option File->Open S4 Language File (good practice is to backup all language files txt/s4_texts.dat... or copy them to a different location and after modifying them, copy them back in the game folder to the txt folder;
    4. You can edit the file, if you are working on a language that doesn't contain all translated texts e.g. Chinese, you can import missing texts from e.g. English (you can use the one from History Edition which is full) by using option Tool->Import Missing Texts. It won't save these texts to the file until you edit them. It is supposed to help you with translating so you can see what is missing.
    5. When you finish, you can File->Save S4 Language File, make sure it is moved to the txt folder. MiscData1.cfg file is for changing the language. But in History Edition that file is to be found in "My Documents" folder.

    Note that in the History Edition text number 446 differs from the Gold Edition. History Edition says 15min while Gold Edition contains 30min.

  3. I do all Spanish translate, but I can only have the SPANISH.s4_translation_project file, for some reason I can't create a correct .dat3/dat0 file.

    When I click, Save S4 language file, the program close and generate only first part of the .dat3 file.

    1. I may know the issue, I encountered something like that when I was working on full Polish translation. It may happen when you have a hidden special character in your Unicode texts and you copy it to the program. You can check which text is the last in the broken file and you will know which text may have the hidden character that causes this. First solution is to copy the text into the notepad and save it as ANSI text file, then copy back to the program. Second solution (probably better one) is to have the latest update of my program that has now option "ICONV Ignore" and it will basically save the file with ignoring these hidden special characters that can't be converted. I should upload the newest version of the program very soon.

      Please update your work on my Github project, I try to keep all the translations of the game together with project files in one place, so other people may help with noticing any language issues:

    2. "but I can only have the SPANISH.s4_translation_project file"

      If you don't mind, please fork "Settlers_IV_Language_Translations" on GitHub and keep updating the file (any time you want): projects/History Edition/SPANISH.s4_translation_project

      If you don't know GitHub and don't want to use it, it's ok, but please let me then publish the translation there, and I will need your name or nickname to add in credits there. Thanks!
